Our Products
Innovative, mobile technology for conventional, organic, and commercial dairy farmers
Whether you’re running a small to medium-sized conventional dairy farm, an organic dairy farm, or a large commercial dairy operation, you need to ensure your herds are healthy, milk production is at optimum levels, and the milk in your bulk tank is of premium quality.
That requires the tools and data to monitor your herd’s somatic cell counts (SCC), and the ability to detect sick cows early to prevent an outbreak of mastitis on your farm.
Dairy Quality’s unique, pioneering products designed exclusively for dairy farmers include:
RT10 Platinum Complete· RT10 Testing Device · iPod touch · Preloaded Dairy SCC App |
Quick SCC· Quick SCC Testing Device · iPod touch · Preloaded Quick SCC App |
RT10 Platinum· RT10 Testing Device |
Dairy Quality